Report of the ministerial advisor

On the 6th June 2018 a report completed by Christine Stevenson, Independent Ministerial Advisor to the Minister Responsible for the Earthquake Commission was released at 1:00pm. The report was completed on the April 26, 2018. Below we have provided a copy of the report, the associated press release and a document one of our committee members, Mel Bourke, compiled and forwarded to Ms Stevenson on 5th April 2018.


It does seem remarkable, that EQC, seven years on the from 2010 / 11 quakes, does not have robust and quality internal practices, and that it still has inconsistent operational models. That such basics as case managers being empathetic to claimants, and doing what they say, are still issues for the EQC is something many of us are all to familiar with. There are some some good recommendations in the report. Great to see the Hon. Megan Woods, in the Press Release, stating that all recommendations will be implemented. NOTE: we would prefer to see claimants having choice as to which professional services they use rather than being directed to one service. 


On the 5th June 2018 we sent an email to Mr Sid Miller. That email stated our desire to meet with him and his executive team. The agenda topics we have proposed are: Proof of Loss, Claimants Concerned About Assessment Standard / Repair Methodology, Subsequent Owners, Impact of Limitation on Claimants, Reimbursement of Costs for Reports, Land Claims, Foundation Damage, House to Street Drainage – including impact on our waterways, The Kaikoura Experience, The EQC Strategy for Change, Claimant Experience, EQC Information Management. We hope Mr Miller accepts our invitation. Keep you posted.

Click the image to access the press release

Click the image to access the press release


From the release: "The Government has accepted the need for a wide range of reforms to speed up the resolution of outstanding EQC claims, as outlined in a new report launched by EQC Minister Megan Woods"....

Click the image to access the report

Click the image to access the report

report of the independent ministerial advisor

From the author: It is my hope that these recommendations taken together should speed up the settlement of remaining claims so that claimants can move on with their lives knowing their earthquake damage has been dealt with “fairly, fully and finally”.

Click the image to access the report

Click the image to access the report

2,557 days (7 years) living with the eqc

Mel Bourke decided to write a letter to Catherine Stevenson to summarise her experience. The letter ended up becoming a summary report of experience and reflections of a number of homeowners, touching on many of the lessons learned and issues people faced with the EQC. This document includes personal accounts and links to other resources.